Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Indiana DNR Annual Entrance Permits. Posted 3-20-2011

Hello, and thanks once again for checking out our Hoosier Day Trip blog. This particular entry is one I am pretty excited about. We are going to explore the Indiana DNR annual entrance permits. From my own families personal experience, I would say this permit is probably one of the best values a Hoosier family can get for taking day trips around the state. These passes will allow you entry into Indiana state parks, SRA's (state recreation areas) and pretty much anyplace that Indiana DNR charges entrance fees to get into.

So lets explore the actual value. The permit currently is priced at $36 for Indiana residents, and $46 for non Hoosiers.  If you compare this to the daily price into one of these locations, you will see that it doesn't take many visits to break even, or come out ahead. The pricing for daily entries is somewhat detailed depending on dates and locations. I will post a link so that you can view it for yourself, but a basic rule of thumb for Hoosier residents is $4 per car Monday-Thursday. $5 per Indiana plated car Friday-Sunday.  If you do the math, that comes out to around 9 visits per year at the weekday rate, or 8 if you go on the weekends. In my  opinion $36 for prepaid admission to SO many choices of locations around the state is one of the best values around today. 

I assume some readers are now thinking, "But I haven't been to a state park in YEARS....There is NO WAY I would go 8 or 9 times a year!".  Well if you haven't been to a state park in awhile here is the perfect opportunity to pay one upfront rate and go as often, and to as many as you like.  State parks, and SRA's are one of my families favorite things to do together. Actually my wife and I were married in Brown County state park, so our love affair with them even precedes our marriage. We have spent birthdays, anniversaries, and days that really didn't symbolize anything at all except low cost memory making day trips, at state parks.

How close to most Hoosiers are these locations? I tried to find a statistic that showed how close each Hoosier resident is based on numbers of residents compared to numbers of locations and combined with some mathematical formula that I would not have understood anyway. I couldn't. I WAS, however, able to count that DNR reports 25 state parks, and 9 reservoirs in every area of the state. I feel safe in assuming most Hoosier residents are within Day Tripping distance of at least one location. 

So, back to the prepaid aspect of this permit. It is probably my favorite part. As I pointed out earlier, many people may make the argument that they have not visited state parks in years. If you are one of those people, consider this. Many families are having a tough time buying food right now, let alone paying for trips or entertainment. If you could manage $36, then you have already paid for admission for a YEAR to over 25 stunning locations. I cant even begin to see how anyone could find fault with this value.   Even if you didn't buy the annual pass, I think the daily rate is a value. But if you paid 36 dollars upfront, for the entire year, you would have prepaid admission to a TON of  locations when money was tight. A loaf of bread, some Bologna or Peanut butter, and gas money, and your family is SET for a fun weekend. 

But lets say it's not just a money aspect. If you and your family want something fun and easy to do, WHAT, my friends, is easier than a state park that is nearby, and already paid for. You get a handy card to simply show to the attendant at the park. Pick the state park you want to visit. Drive there, Show the attendant your permit, go in and enjoy. No getting kids out of the car, buying tickets, loading them back in, etc, etc. It is a really simple formula. Buy the pass, Pick the park, Drive there. Show the card. ENJOY THE PARK. 

As great of a value as I already feel this is, I wondered if maybe some other benefits or discounts were included. As far as I can tell, there are none. I personally feel the pass is a great value as it stands, but if I learn of any others, I will be sure to pass them along. 

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. My family and I are big fans of the Indiana State Park system, and hope you enjoy it too. Many wonderful memories can be made there. Just while writing this I thought of a couple of things I had forgotten about doing with my wife and kids. I hope you can make some of the same types of memories with your own family. 

The goal of this blog was to  introduce you to the Indiana DNR annual pass. The state parks themselves each deserve separate examinations. I hope to explore them all soon. 

Here is a link for locations.


Thanks, and I hope to see you on my next Hoosier Day Trip.


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