Hello, and thanks, once again, for taking the time to view my blog. I am humbled by the fact that anyone would take the time to view the ideas that I have to share. The response has been better than I could have hoped for. I do not intend to make this a daily blog, but I really wanted to share the experience my family had today.
We decided to make it a day around town and try not spend a lot of money...the key word is "try". We didn't leave the house until around 2:00 P:m We went to lunch at O'Charlies. We could have easily went to Micky D's again, but we were all sick of it! (except for Elizabeth). We spent around upper 40 something there. 50 after a tip. Not to bad for a family of 5.
Next, we went to the Dollar Tree to stock up on candy to smuggle into the theater. This may sound wrong, but if cheating the theater Gods out of OBSCENE candy profits is wrong...I don't wanna be right. Candy=$7.00 at Dollar Tree.
Finally, all 5 of us, during a weekday afternoon at AMC theatres, are $5.00 apiece. You keeping track? That's about 80 bucks, so far. The popcorn and soda that we DID let the theater drain out of my begrudging debit card was $22.00. My math tells me that is a total of $102.00. I am not complaining. We all had a good time, but I just wanted to compare this to show how $102.00 dollars CAN be spent so quickly on a simple afternoon around town. Let's see how we can stretch $102.00 to visiting around the state.
Stay tuned,
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