Hello friends, and thanks for reading this update from Hoosier Day Trip. I have a few things that I find pretty exciting to report on, and I hope you all enjoy them as well.
The first and most obvious thing is the move from the old Hoosier Day Trip blog site with GoDaddy, to an account with Google’s Blogger. The Hoosier Day Trip homepage is still with GoDaddy, and I am looking into moving that soon. I only include this information for others like myself, who are interested in learning about web design (if that is what I am doing) and the behind the scenes part of blogging, web hosting, online publishing and the like. For those who are NOT interested, I am sorry to include those mundane details, but I do it in the hopes that a reader will have an answer or solution to a problem I may be experiencing, and we can help ALL of us have a better blogging experience.
That being said, I am still having an issue with the “subscribe by Email” feature of the new blog site. This was the same sort of issue I was having on the GoDaddy site, but I NOW have the benefit of no “experts” telling that everything is working correctly. With Blogger, I feel I can get more into the nuts and bolts of WHY something is not working, and hopefully sort it out myself. Today I received the FIRST positive sign that I am starting to figure this issue out, as I received 2 test emails that I sent to a couple of my emails last night. Not as timely as I would want, but at least they were sent to the right place.
So friends, this is where YOU can really help me out. I am going to STOP sending test post to myself, and hope that a some of you will try the subscribe by email tab on the new site. I want real world feedback, and I would like to know if and when you receive the emailed post. This will help me a TON. Thanks in advance for your help.
So NOW on the serious business of Hoosier Day Tripping. I spent a good part of yesterday in a REALLY backwoods part of Brown County. It is a little community called Gatesville, and if you have EVER heard about the “Hills of Brown County” this is probably where they were referring to. I do not know a lot about Gatesville, but I do know that they have a General Store that seems to have some history, and that the locals are extremely embracing. I had lunch at the Gatesville General Store, and while the food was …Mediocre, the environment was warm and down homesy. It reminded me of some of the lunch counters I have visited in the south. I loved the experience and will write about it more later. These are the kinds of out of the way places I LOVE, and hope you all like hearing about.
Friends, that is going to do it for this Hoosier Day Trip update. Thanks for reading, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help get the word out about Hoosier Day Trip if you like what I am doing. ALSO, please visit the blog site, and click on the “subscribe by email” tab, or simply follow me if you are on Blogger. Thank you for taking the time to read this update, and I hope you will take the time to subscribe and let me know how it works. I REALLY want to make this blog extraordinary, because I LOVE Hoosier Day Tripping, and I feel passionate about bringing the experiences I have to others who will enjoy them.
Thanks again, and I hope to see YOU on my next Hoosier Day Trip Andrew
I got your test email. Page looks great!