Hello and thank you for checking out the latest update to the Hoosier Day Trip blog. If you are reading this blog entry then I will make the assumption that you someone who likes to travel and enjoys getting to places that take you out of your everyday routine. For me personally, taking a trip anywhere is probably the SINGLE biggest stress reliever in my life. Be it a day trip, a small excursion that takes a couple of days, or a full blown Disney World vacation (my SUPER happy place), getting away from it all is literally GETTING AWAY FROM IT ALL for me!
But what about those times when you just CAN’T go anywhere except where you are? I am currently going through such a situation, and I thought I would share some tips and tricks that help me through my travel “dry spells”.
Once again, I am making the assumption that if you are reading this, you have online access. The internet has changed our lives in many ways. Some ways are really good and others…not so much. One change I feel a lot of people have yet to realize is just how SMALL it has made our world (not an intentional Disney World reference). By this, I am referencing the fact that I carry face book, twitter, 4square, and any other social media outlet you can imagine in a clip on my front pants pocket. I have made mention of social media in a previous post, but from talking to people, I REALLY wonder if most people move beyond simply “friending” people they already know on face book. Even if we only examine what face book can do for you in terms of what I will call “virtual vacationing” it truly becomes astonishing. Today, almost any destination you can imagine has an online presence letting you know what is happening at that particular destination that week, but often also post pictures that they had taken only seconds before the posted. How is THAT for a virtual vacation?
So now our next stop on our virtual vacation is logically Twitter. I have heard from a lot of people who have no interest in twitter. Mostly because they have “no friends who tweet” , or they simply do not understand it. It is somewhat different for people who have learned to “social media” from face book. What I like about twitter is that I can use it as a feed from all of the people, places, and destinations that I enjoy. No commitment required. Just follow the tweeter you like, and you see what they post. They don’t even have to love (tweet) you back. I follow Kings Island, Holiday World, (of course a ton of Disney tweets) and even some news sites. It is a fairly one sided relationship that fulfills my need for info about places I would RATHER be. And honestly, I never really feel guilty after the fact. We all knew this was a one sided relationship from the beginning.
But what if you can’t take the time to look at pics, updates, tweets, post, etc, etc, etc? One thing I have absolutely fallen in LOVE with it the “I heart radio” app. To the best of my knowledge, this app is offered for both the iPhone and the Droid. With this app I can transport myself from where I am, to where I would like to be. It allows you to listen to LIVE online radio feeds from a TON of locations in the U.S. I am also of big fan of podcast. There are many that can be downloaded for free. Some of my favorites cover such topics as technology, travel, and pop culture. The one I most often listen to is WDW Radio. A blog about Walt Disney World. Who would have guessed? A blog I have found even more recently is called "Stuck in the 80's" and it allows virtual travel of a different sort. Virtual time travel. I find all of these sources great ways to help you escape where you physically HAVE to be, and transport you to where you WANT to be.
My friends, that is going to do it for this post into the Hoosier Day Trip Blog. Thanks SO much for checking it out. I really hope that this helped at least one reader out. I thank you for your time in reading this, and hope to see YOU on my next Hoosier Day Trip.
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